RC Silver Carp Commission and RC Environmental Review Board

Please forward my letter (attached) to Congressman Burchett with the note below to the members of the Roane County Commission Silver Carp Committee and the Roane County Environmental Review Board.   Thank you!
January 4, 2023 
To:       Roane County Commission Silver Carp Committee
              Roane County Environmental Review Board
From:   Pandora Vreeland, Vice Chairman
            Watts Bar Ecology and Fisheries Council
Happy New Year!
Thank you for your concern about the Asian silver carp and their potential negative impact to our local lakes and economies if they are allowed to reach them. 
fyi-Attached is a letter I emailed Congressman Burchett today seeking additional assistance from him on this matter. My email letter to the congressman includes a copy of the email sent by Mr. Jerry Rasmussen, retired U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Planning Branch with regard to where the first barrier should be placed on the Tennessee River.  Mr. Rasmussen is a nationally recognized expert in Asian silver carp.  His recommendation is based on his professional experiences from many decades of working on the Asian silver carp issue.
Pandora Vreeland