May 15, 2017 @ 6 pm Rockwood Community Center 710 N Chamberlain Ave, Rockwood, TN 37854
Attendance list:
Alexander Dwain | Barnard Angela & Charlie Turner | Bartok Philip | Bemm Gary |
Campbell Jim | Cowan Jack | Culvahouse Martha | Gregory Scott
Hensley Art | Herrin Bill & Margaret | Johnson Ronnie | Joseph Timothy |
Lamb Bob | Moody Janice | Osborne Arthur | Payne James |
Rice Fay | Rodgers Keith | Strader Bud | Waggett Jack |
Willett Hugh | Wilson Dennis | Word Willie | Young Charles |
Ziemak Al |
Tim Joseph said we will NOT take meeting time to read and approve minutes, that minutes will be sent out and should be read. “IF” there is a mistake, let Janice know and the minutes will be corrected and resent. He also said that for the most part this council was not going to worry about every aspect of Parliamentary Procedure.
Tim said that Ron Berry, Roane County Commissioner Chairman, has put together a special committee of 5 Roane County Commissioners titled Aquatic Weed Committee. He said Ron Berry has reached out to Loudon, Rhea, Roane, and Meigs Counties Commissioners to work with the Aquatic Weed Committee, and to hopefully provide someone to sit on and assist with the WBEFC.
Tim said that Ron Berry see’s the WBEFC as the “workers”, while the Commissioner’s Aquatic Weed Committee is the “Power” along with other political entities to present findings to State Legislators, and obtain funding options developed and recommended by the WBEFC.
Tim Joseph said anyone can attend the WBEFC meetings and be a “Stakeholder” and that stakeholders can assist on ANY of the Council Work Groups. Dr. Joseph emphasized the importance of stakeholder assistance.
Tim said he was not going to put a “size limit” on the Board of Directors, but that a “Final” BOD will be established soon. He mentioned that individuals could resign for the Board at any time as well as join. Once the initial Board is established, new members will be voted on for a seat on the Board.
Tim asked for volunteers to join the Board. He stressed that the Board members are the primary workers and chairs of the work-groups. He passed around the BOD list for everyone to update their information or add their name and information if they wish to sit on the Board. He said that the BOD represent the “Voting Body” of the Council. When asked the question about stakeholder involvement, he stressed that stakeholders are an important resource and are invited to work with any of the work-groups, but that the Board is the only voting body of the Council.
Tim said that though he put the structure together, additional work-groups can be created as needed.
Tim asked for volunteers to work on any of the structure Work Groups. Tim went through the various Work Groups one at a time.
Work-Group 1: Funding, Grants, Contracts
Tim said Dwain Alexander is the chairman of this group. He used Dwain as the “Perfect Example” of how individuals can be of tremendous value. Dr. Joseph said that at a previous meeting, Dwain asked how he could help. Tim suggested he help with the Funding work group, and that Dwain did an incredible job researching funding possibilities and that he presented a three-page summary of his efforts and findings.
Dwain provided this summary of his effort to the meeting attendees. PHONE CALLS
1) Tn. Dept. of Environment and Conservation (TEDEC) (888-891-8332)- I talked with Lee Yates (865-594-5592) (Knoxville field office) on April 13. He wasn’t aware of any funding but will check with his people including Nashville and get back to me. I talked with Lee again on 5/11. He had checked with their biologist in Nashville and she advised there is no related funding/grants. He suggested checking with the Army corps of engineers. He also said the NY State Dept. of Environmental Conservation (NYDEC) has done a lot of work on invasive aquatic species. Also, Cornell University did some work on using some type of moth/insect to control milfoil. He cautioned on use
of carp; their “deposits” and carcasses can lead to detrimental algae blooms.
what we want. This website seems wide open but need to file specific application. Needs more research.
*Special Note: Laverne Tuell said County Mayors can work through Tennessee Visitors Bureau; they are giving grants. Dwain is going to follow up on a number of the above including making contact Laverne for more specifics
Dr. Joseph thanked Dwain for his hard work. Tim Provided Dwain with the following information regarding potential Funding
*Property owners: special taxing jurisdiction for property owners whose property adjoins the lake.
*TVA: as a property owner (from the 750 lines to the original river bed) and user of water for power generation.
*State of Tennessee: as owner of the original river bed and beneficiary of tourism. This argument could extend to Counties and Cities as well.
*TWRA: quality lake ecosystem. *Boaters: everyone who has a boat at a marina could be charged a small
annual fee.
*Fisherman: a fee tacked onto each fishing license sold, this money would obviously need to be allocated throughout the state and not just Watts Bar Lake (WBL).
*Fishing Tournaments on WBL: Perhaps a $5.00 fee added and maybe a 2-5% tax on the winnings.
*Boat registration: same as above, state wide and other lakes.
*Other: any organization or entity that pulls water from WBL or that discharges into the lake should also participate.
Tim said to remember, we are attempting to put together a Comprehensive list of potential funding sources, none of which WE will implement, only recommend.
Willie Word suggested every boat owner should not only pay boat registration, but also add a fee like a fishing license fee.
Work-Group 2: Communication and Outreach:
Dwain said the Tennessee Invasive Aquatic Plants Council said they might be able to help with literature for mailings. Dwain said they may be willing to help develop the mailings.
Special Note: Dwain, Tim, and Janice will meet to discuss this and how much money does WBEFC need, and work on an outline.
Work-Group 3: Stakeholders:
Tim said Peter Giroux has been a valuable asset to WBEFC and has worked behind the scenes extremely hard. Tim said that Peter has not only worked hard, but has donated money specifically in support of the development of the WBEFC Web Site. Peter is the Chair the Stakeholders Group.
Work-Group 4: Technical Advisory Group:
Dr. Joseph said he has been talking with the University of Tennessee and has designed a project for a Master’s or PHD student related to the aquatic plant mats and the fishery/ecology.
Special Note: Tim is going to give a technical presentation to WBEFC on the littoral zone and it relationship to the ecology and fishery of Watts Bar.
Tim said that Dr. Brett Hartis, Program Manager for Aquatic Plant Management for the TVA, is assisting him on the TAG.
Work-Group 5: Insights and Lessons Learned:
Tim said Claytor Lake and Gaston Lake have had great successes and that the WBEFC can learn from this and other these lakes with their successes and failures. Tim mentioned revegetation programs in other lakes, but that those lakes are quite different from Watt Bar since ours is not a natural lake ecosystem.
Tim said we need a chairman for this group. Philip Bartok volunteered to chair this work-group.
Meeting attendees asked for various materials put together by the WBEFC.
Special Note: Janice will send Mission Statement, Structure, Lessons Learned, Grey Scale Map, picture of Hydrilla, and list of approved Chemicals.
Work Group Meetings:
Dr. Joseph said that Work Groups can meet at any time they wish without Board approval or involvement.
Dr. Joseph said that a lot of progress has been made in developing the web site but that a bit more content is need before releasing to the public. “Martha Culvahouse and Keith Rogers said they would help populate the website.
Dr. Joseph said that he would continue to Chair the Council until such time that someone would step up to be the chair and that he’d be pleased to be the Vice-Chair to help. He said that he would enjoy working almost exclusively on the TAG and help other work-groups when needed, and that he wasn’t aggressively seeking the chairmanship.
Bob Lamb recommended that Tim remain as chairman until the Board of Directors can meet and discuss the position.
Tim said WBEFC will only meet when there has been significant progress to report, and thus be a valid reason to take member’s time.
No miscellaneous questions or concerns. Tim thanked everyone for coming and especially thanked those who volunteered for the various positions and offers for assistance.